Friday, April 29, 2011

Blue Laced Red Wyandotte chicks!

I have 2 Blue Laced Red Wyandotte chicks that did not seem to know or care they were not due until Sunday, they hatched this evening!  Hoping I have many more hatch from this batch!

Nesting Box Giveaway from HenPals Chicken Nest Boxes

I entered!

Monday, April 4, 2011

Spring is here!

Have tomatoes and peppers started inside... have already transplanted the tomatoes to peat pots but need to do this to the peppers also.  I prefer to grow my own plants from seed... there are so many heirlooms or unique varieties that you just can't get unless you grow your own.

I also have shallots, onions, fennel and celeriac up and growing, the herbs have not yet sprouted.

I will be getting my fingerling potato seed Wednesday... have grown potatoes before but never fingerling varieties.

Not sure when the 2 dwarf apple trees I ordered will be in, at least that gives me time to decide location placement and to pre dig the holes. :-P

Hopefully, next weekend will be nice enough to allow me to move all my old chicken coop bedding out to the garden for spreading out and tilling in.  I used to compost, however, my chickens are now my "masters of compost" now. lol

Here is a cool link if you like gardening:


This is going to be my first attempt at having a blog.  I look forward to making it a reflection of me. :-)